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What if you could reduce your cosmetics cabinet to a single item? We’re not being dramatic: our trailblazing BLOOM bar can heal sunburns, knock out bug bites, soothe skin conditions (eczema sufferers!), and change the game for red, dry, and itchy skin. Learn how BLOOM works its healing/protective/restorative magic to make the rest of your skincare products seem irrelevant with one single solid skincare serum.

Plastic but make it from plants. Is this really better? Packaging companies boast a plastic that is non-toxic technology for a solution against pollution but what does the chemistry support? We breakdown (pun intended) the ins and outs of what it means to be made from a vegetal source and why the end result may surprise you.
It’s time to clean out the closet for new summertime fits—but where does your old clothing end up? Most new apparel has plastic in its fabric, including tennis shoes and sneakers, which are notoriously difficult to recycle. That’s why we’re participating in Plastic Free July, an initiative to reduce the environmental burden of plastic waste. We are DEWing our part by teaming up with local businesses to prevent sneakers from ending up in our landfills.

Better than a cleanser our latest launch takes all the benefits of a skin detoxifier and superfood to add more benefits instead of subtract. Long gone are the days of many steps and minimal benefits when considering skincare products- who has time for that? We take a deep dive into what this mighty enzyme cleansing power can do to game change your skin routine.
What happens when you put two passionate beauty founders in a room with career cosmetic chemists? PURE MAGIC. April SCC 2022 this became reality and we are here for all the banter.
Did you know small businesses are the true change makers in a community? They create unique and often one of a kind products, are more likely to adopt sustainable practices, and reinvest more than 65% of their earnings back to local communities, BUT they need you to thrive.
Rapid versus slow. We consider the mindset of a more thoughtful way of living and what the trend characteristics might be for beauty. How can you spot a conscious creation and avoid the more is better fast lifestyle? There are fundamental trends that support a more conscious and holistic style of living.
The amount of plastic we have produced globally since 1950 is approximately the weight of 1Billion elephants and 91% of it is never recycled. It is covering our Earth at a nearly immeasurable rate and never fully integrates back into nutrient soil so why do we accept this material into our lives? We discuss in this short blog the importance of understanding plastics petroleum feedstock, its life cycle, the importance of plastic free products, and the initiatives highlighted by Plastic Free July.


Do you assume that vegan is always better? It turns out plastic is often disguised as being "vegan" to the average consumer. We explain the differences between vegan, cruelty free, and plastic free claims for beauty products. Being vegan is considered the single most impactful way to lower your individual carbon footprint and with that good nature large corporations found a way to relabel and market products to passionate individuals. Yup its a plastic greenwashing tactic.